page 5.
                        Me.  I was just stallin'.  You
                        always have a plan.  Ah, what's
                        your plan?
              Marshall gives Lenny a push to the head with the heel of his
                        You gnat brain!
                        Don't call me a gnat brain ... you
                        ... you ... you ...
              He's stumped.   Can't think of anything smaller so he gives
              Marshall a push back to the head with the heel of his hand.
              They go into a flurry of heel of the hand to the head until --
              There's a sudden SCREECH of OS brakes.
pg 5 bus.gif (78389 bytes)
              ANGLE ON a large DILAPIDATED BUS that has stopped next to the
              side of the road.  The top of it is piled high with battered,
              duffel bags.
              A sloppy, hand-painted sign has been scribbled on the side of
              the bus. BENNY'S GREAT-RATE HOLLYWOD (yes, it's misspelled)
              TOURS.  YOU WON'T FIND A BETTER DEAL IN NEVADA.  Somebody has
              scratched red slashes through the GRE and the T in GREAT and
              the E in RATE so it reads more like BENNY'S A RAT HOLLYWOD
              CLOSER ON BENNY, a sleazy-looking human with an aura that is
              indeed rat-like.  He wears a shabby bus driver's hat and
              stands next to the open bus door. GRUBBY-LOOKING PEOPLE
              frantically pour out of the bus in a glob.  They are all
                        Ya better squeeze it all out cuz
                        this is your last pee stop til' we
                        hit Hollywood!
 								page 6.
              ZIP PAN over  to see the backs of the many men as they all
              pee under a big tree.  The women's heads bob up from behind
              the bushes they are squatting behind.
              ANGLE ON Lenny and Marshall as they crawl up one of the rear
              tires of the bus.
                         What's this Hollywood?
                        It's a place in California.  The
                        pivitol point of movie making.
                        The home of movie stars.  The ---
                        Okay!  Okay!
                               (a beat)
                        How do you know all that kind of
                        I don't know.  I just do.
              They reach the top of the tire and jump over to the nearest
              thing --- which happens to be the muffler.
              They both go into a WILD DANCE.
                                  MARSHALL/LENNY (UNISON)
              They dive for the next nearest thing which is the curved,
              grease-covered suspension spring.  They slide down it and
              SLAM into a cob-web covered series of bolts that hold the
              spring to the bus.
              Lenny and Marshall are a dirty, greasy, cob-web covered mess.
                        Mannnnnnnnn! This is your plan?
                        Hey! It beats crawling doesn't it!
              The OS bus engine suddenly COUGHS TO LIFE in a BLAST of black
              smoke and the bus ROARS out in a cloud of flying dirt and
              ANOTHER ANGLE as the cloud of dust clears.  We see the worms
              are now two globs of grease and dirt with occasional chunks
              of gravel stuck to them.  The only indication that they are
              anything but globs is when they open their white eyes.
 							       page 7.
              A near-by, larger glob POPS its huge eyes open.  They are a
              devilish glare.  The thing stands up, shakes off the grime,
              and we see it's a LARGE SPIDER.
                        Oughhh. My favorite. Dinner on the
              The spider grabs Lenny and holds him up close to his ugly
              face.  Lenny raises both arms above his head and sticks his
              fingers in the spider's eyes like one of The Three Stooges
                               (continuing; screams)
                         Ow! Ow! Ow!  That really hurt!
              Lenny grabs the spider by his neck and pulls him nose-to-nose
                        I ain't no spider's dinner.
              Marshall leans in close to join Lenny.
                        And I'm not dessert.
              As the spider's eyes clear up, he notices that the worms have
                        Holy crap!  Worms with arms?  I
                        don't believe it!
              The two worms move in closer and take an even tougher stance.
                        Whatta ya mean by that?  You some
                        kind of wise-guy-spider!
                        Are you insulting us?
                               (still in shock)
                        No! No! No! Not at all!  I just
                        never saw no worms with arms
 								page 8.
                        Yeah!  Well we never saw no spider
                        that could take us.
                        Yeah.  I can believe that.  Worms
                        are always easy.  They don't have
                        arms to fight back with!
                        Are you being insulting again?
                        I'm tellin' the truth!  I ain't
                        never seen no worms with arms
              Lenny and Marshall look at each other, shrug, and let the
              spider go.  He can't get away fast enough.
                         Ahhh, he's been suckin' in too
                        much road dust.  He's nuts.
              CLOSER ON the two worms as they lean back and make themselves
                        Let's get us some shuteye.
              ANGLE ON the bus as it bounces down the highway and out of
              sight over the distant hill.
                                                       DISSOLVE TO:
              The boulevard is CHEAP-SLEAZY.  Heavy metal and 60's hippie
              types crowd the sidewalks.  Drunks and bums are begging.
pg 8 tourist.gif (90370 bytes)
              Benny's shabby bus is unloading its passengers.  The men all
              wear white pants, Hawaiian shirts, sunglasses and each has
              many cameras slung around his neck.  The women are wearing
              flat, oversized straw hats, tight leopard tie-across blouses,
              toreador pants, and high wedgy heels.  Their clothes are
              several sizes too small for their fat bodies.
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